
How To Not Plan

If you have lived on this earth for any amount of time, you know that plans change.  It's an inevitable fact that unfortunately sends my mind into a whirling chaos.  I have the OCD personality that overreacts when big changes occur (pray for me!).  For whatever reason, my ignorant brain doesn't seem to learn that nothing happens according to plan.  Maybe you have this issue too?  Or it might be just me.

Recently, I have had to make a decision that would change the path of my life while also forcing my comfort out of the picture.  I have always been passionate about writing and I knew it was something I wanted to make a living at, but I allowed myself to conform to the safety of keeping my history major instead of switching.  A part of me had an unsettling feeling, but I chose to ignore it.  That feeling emerged again when my fiance and I talked about what I was called to do, which terrified me.  Throughout the conversation, I became nervous and began questioning everything.  It wasn't until he declared that he thought changing my major to writing would be best for me that my mind slowed down.  In that moment, it was like God made the answer perfectly clear: pursue a career of writing.

Now I am in the stressful process of dropping and adding classes to fit my new major, which I have yet to change!  To me, this whole thing is crazy.  I am learning to trust God like never before, so I'm grateful I took this opportunity, bravely.

Trusting in the Lord is a powerful thing that will take any unexpected plans and put them into perspective, into His plan.  While it is difficult to surrender your life to God, He promises nothing but blessings in return.  You might not have the picture perfect life, but you do have a perfect Savior who make it all worth it.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." || Proverbs 3:5

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