

Simplicity.  This word has been fluttering around in my brain for the past couple of days more often than normal, so I have to ask the question: "Does eternal life require that we all live earthly life the same way: successful and smart?"

I feel as though the obvious and most common answer to this question is "no," however most of the people in society live in conformity.  It saddens me because God created us all to be different.  Everyone wants to achieve the "American dream," complete with success, financial stability, a college degree, a nice house, and a comfortable living.

What if none of this was important?

Yes, I am asking that question.  The hardest question of them all. 

"We don't want to live an uncomfortable life."
"We need those nice things because that's what everyone else has, they make life easier."
"It's not a sin to possess stuff, they are blessings from God."

Well, what if God wants us to be uncomfortable?
What if He desires us to have a more challenging life?
What if He wants us to focus more on Him than on our earthly possessions?

To be honest, the answers to these questions are already known.  You can find them in the Word that was personally given to you by the Lord.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)

"Then [Jesus] said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'" (Luke 9:23)

"Jesus looked at him and loved him.  'One thing you lack,' he said.  'Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me.'  At this, the man's face fell.  He went away sad because he has great wealth." (Mark 10: 21-22)

God has called every one of His children to be divergent within the culture and society of the world today.  It is a difficult change that will test your faith and trust in God, but isn't it worth it?  Isn't it worth serving Jesus and becoming the hands and feet of His Church?

Living simply is something that I have been wanting to pursue for a few months but have kept putting off.  I want to desperately rid my life of the unnecessary junk that is weighing me down every day.  I want to own a minimal amount of stuff. 

The less I own in my life, the more Christ will own my life.

Hopefully, this will become a passion to me that will allow me to glorify God more with my life.  I pray you will be motivated to do the same, giving Jesus your earthly possessions.

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